Halloween Parade
5:00 PM17:00

Halloween Parade

  • Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Line up for the Raymond Park Halloween Parade before the trick or treating begins! Enjoy fun giveaways, apple cider, and your neighbors company! Parade line-up begins at 5:00 p.m. on the basketball courts. The parade begins at 5:15 p.m. and will circle around the courts for all the little ones to show off their Halloween best. There will be glow sticks for all in costume to deck themselves out!

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Yoga with Karina
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga with Karina

  • Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join for an all levels yoga class for those 15+ on the basketball courts at Raymond Park!

Classes will be held weekly on Sundays through the end of October (and beyond if weather and attendance is good). Come give it a try and get centered, get in shape, and meet your neighbors! Bring your mat, water, and hat for the sun.

First class is free. Cash or Venmo accepted.

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Yoga with Karina
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga with Karina

  • Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join for an all levels yoga class for those 15+ on the basketball courts at Raymond Park!

Classes will be held weekly on Sundays through the end of October (and beyond if weather and attendance is good). Come give it a try and get centered, get in shape, and meet your neighbors! Bring your mat, water, and hat for the sun.

First class is free. Cash or Venmo accepted.

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Yoga with Karina
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga with Karina

  • Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join for an all levels yoga class for those 15+ on the basketball courts at Raymond Park!

Classes will be held weekly on Sundays through the end of October (and beyond if weather and attendance is good). Come give it a try and get centered, get in shape, and meet your neighbors! Bring your mat, water, and hat for the sun.

First class is free. Cash or Venmo accepted.

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Yoga with Karina
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga with Karina

  • Raymond St Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join for an all levels yoga class for those 15+ on the basketball courts at Raymond Park!

Classes will be held weekly on Sundays through the end of October (and beyond if weather and attendance is good). Come give it a try and get centered, get in shape, and meet your neighbors! Bring your mat, water, and hat for the sun.

First class is free. Cash or Venmo accepted.

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Winter Solstice Sing-a-Long!
5:00 PM17:00

Winter Solstice Sing-a-Long!

Please join us in Raymond Park on Saturday 12/21 from 5-6pm for an evening sing-a-long to honor the Winter Solstice. (Rain date Sunday 12/22.)

We'll be singing seasonal songs and familiar holiday tunes (so we won't have to spend a lot of time learning new material). 

Hot chocolate and song books provided.

Come meet your neighbors and celebrate WINTER!

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Friday Night Movie in the Park
5:30 PM17:30

Friday Night Movie in the Park

Friday (9/20) is movie night in Raymond Park! (Rain date is Friday 9/27).

  • 5:30: People start to assemble and picnic and play in park. Bring your frisbees, picnic blanket, chairs, etc.

  • 6:00: MUSIC BEGINS! Live music performed by Julie Rama Winslow and Food and ice cream trucks arrive

  • DUSK (7:00ish): 15 Minutes of Bugs Bunny cartoons followed by feature movie.

Please note there is a cost to our projectionists showing the movie and for park permits, so donations are MUCH appreciated! 

This helps fund our movie nights and will go toward other events we have at the park.

You can bring cash to donate at the event or donate on our GoFundMe page HERE.

Your contribution is appreciated!

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Thursday Night Movie in the Park
5:30 PM17:30

Thursday Night Movie in the Park

Thursday (8/08) is movie night in Raymond Park! (Rain date is Thursday 8/15).

  • Schedule prior to movie TBD

  • DUSK (8:00ish): 15 Minutes of Bugs Bunny cartoons followed by feature movie.

Please note there is a cost to our projectionists showing the movie and for park permits, so donations are MUCH appreciated! 

This helps fund our movie nights and will go toward other events we have at the park.

You can bring cash to donate at the event or donate on our GoFundMe page HERE.

Your contribution is appreciated!

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Inaugural Indie ROCK concert in the Park!
6:30 PM18:30

Inaugural Indie ROCK concert in the Park!

Durgas frontman Benjii Simmersbach performing with Ehleven for the inaugural Raymond Park Summer Rock Concert.

The Durgas layer reggae, African, and eastern European folk elements over Americana rock resulting in driving, infectious, and fun tunes. Ehleven features a range of tempos, melodies, and influences including rock, indie-folk, African, ska, and jazz. The concert will pull from the best of each band’s repertoire for a fun night of summer music.

Sure to be a good time. Bring your friends, your family, and a picnic if you wish - and enjoy the show!

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RESCHEDULED Thursday Night Movie in the Park
6:00 PM18:00

RESCHEDULED Thursday Night Movie in the Park

Sadly, due to impending rain and icky weather, June 20th’s music and movie night is cancelled.

But, not to worry, we have rescheduled it for next Thursday June 27th!

Featured Film: Ella Enchanted

  • 5:45: People start to assemble and picnic and play in park. Bring your frisbees, picnic blanket, chairs, etc.

  • 6:00-6:30: MUSIC BEGINS & FOOD TRUCKS ARRIVE! Live music performed by Julie Rama Winslow and Maria's Taqueria Food Truck (Award-winning mexican food) & 
    Mo's ice cream truck!

  • DUSK (8:30ish): 15 Minutes of Bugs Bunny cartoons followed by feature movie.

Please note there is a cost to our projectionists showing the movie and for park permits, so donations are MUCH appreciated! 

This helps fund our movie nights and will go toward other events we have at the park.

You can bring cash to donate at the event or donate on our GoFundMe page HERE.

Your contribution is appreciated!

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Friday Night Movie in the Park
5:30 PM17:30

Friday Night Movie in the Park

  • 160 Raymond Street Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday. (9/7) is movie night at Raymond Park! (Rain date is Sat. 9/8).

  • 5:30: People generally start to assemble and picnic and play in park. Bring your frisbees, picnic blanket, chairs, etc.
  • 6:00: MUSIC BEGINS! Live music performed byJulie Rama Winslow and Food and ice cream trucks arrive
  • DUSK (7:30ish): 15 Minutes of Bugs Bunny cartoons followed by feature movie.

Please note there is a cost to our projectionists showing the movie and for park permits, so donations are MUCH appreciated! 

This helps fund our movie nights and will go toward other events we have at the park.

You can bring $ to donate at the event or donate online: http://www.raymondpark.org/donate/

Your contribution is appreciated!


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Movie Night in the Park
5:30 PM17:30

Movie Night in the Park

  • 160 Raymond Street Cambridge, MA, 02140 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wed. (8/8) is movie night at Raymond Park! (Rain date is Wed. 8/15).

  • 5:30: People generally start to assemble and picnic and play in park. Bring your frisbees, picnic blanket, chairs, etc.
  • 6:00: Food and ice cream trucks arrive
  • DUSK (8:30ish): 15 Minutes of Bugs Bunny cartoons followed by feature movie (a recent kid-friendly hit that rhymes with "loco").

Please note there is a cost to our projectionists showing the movie and for park permits, so donations are MUCH appreciated! 

This helps fund our movie nights and will go toward other events we have at the park.

You can bring $ to donate at the event or donate online: http://www.raymondpark.org/donate/

Your contribution is appreciated!

*Special thanks to our first community sponsors, High Rise and Shepard Restaurant & Bar, for their contribution!*

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FREE Summer Fitness Series begins this Thurs. at Raymond Park!
8:30 PM20:30

FREE Summer Fitness Series begins this Thurs. at Raymond Park!

Attention outdoor exercise enthusiasts!

Starting THIS Thursday (6/21/18), F.O.R.P. is launching a FREE summer workout series at Raymond Park! Free fitness classes (yoga and more) will be taught by a variety of instructors every Thur. night (6:30-7:30pm) and Sat. mornings (9-10am) from June 21st through August 30th. (EXCEPTIONS: NO CLASSES on July 7, 19 or 21st or August 11th.)

Meet at the basketball courts, bring your own mat and water. Note: On two Saturdays, August 18 and 25th, there will be half hour family yoga sessions from 9:30-10 am, geared towards kids and their caregivers. Reminders will be sent/posted each week.

This is our first time launching such a series so please keep that in mind as we navigate new territory!

Hope to see you there!

Friends of Raymond Park Steering Committee

Meet | Play | Connect

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Movie Night - Rain Date
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night - Rain Date

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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Movie Night
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Many folks start assembling in Raymond Park at around 6pm to picnic/play and then some cartoons and the feature film start a little before dusk (around 7:30pm in Sept).

Some people stay for just the picnic, some for picnic and cartoons, others for the whole thing. Whatever works! Hope to see you there!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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Movie Night - Rain Date
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night - Rain Date

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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Movie Night
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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Movie Night - Rain Date
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night - Rain Date

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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Movie Night - cancelled because of Rain (will do movie on 7/26)
6:00 PM18:00

Movie Night - cancelled because of Rain (will do movie on 7/26)

We need to cancel movie night for, July 12th because of forecasted rain.

Wednesday, July 26th is our rain date, so we will plan for then to do Live Music, Food, Ice Cream, and Movies!

We are still planning to have:

  • Julie Rama Winslow (of Groovy Baby Music and the Jumping Monkeys & the Flip flops fame) come and perform live
  • Jose's Mexican food truck
  • Ice cream
  • And more!!!

Please remember to donate online if you have a moment.  All this is done by volunteers and through private donations.  Your can do this online at:  http://www.raymondpark.org/donate/

See you on Wednesday, July 26th (two weeks from now)!

Friends of Raymond Park Steering Committee

Specific time may change, but we have permits for these dates and are planning a great event!

Sign up for the Friends of Raymond Park email list for updates about rain dates and specifics about what movies will be shown.

Please email friends@raymondpark.org if you have any movie suggestions!

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